Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Christmas!

Here are our Christmas decorations for our first Christmas in the new house. We didn't have much because last year we only decorated an apartment. Enjoy!
Snowflake on the front door
Our stockings and Sadie little stocking w/her catnip lobster

Our tree. My parents gave us this tree last year since they wanted a tree with clear lights. Oh and yes this tree is fake but have you seen the price of a real tree??? Also it is very green to have a fake tree so get with it! We also stuck all the Christmas cards we got in the tree too, turned out to be a good spot for them.
PS the big blue present on the right is mine...can't wait to see what it is!

I told Mike we wouldn't put lights on the outside of the house but I lied...sue me. Growing up my mom put together strands of lights with only red and green bulbs and I always loved them and knew I would put those on my house when I had one.
It took 4 people 2 days to find enough red and green bulbs to fill 3 strands but it looks awesome. It only took Mike 30 mins to get them up. He didn't complain...too much. I think our house is the best looking one on the block =]


Vicki said...

So what was the big blue present??

Bailey said...

He is tricky! It was a gift card for a hot stone massage and he stuffed the box with tissue paper!