Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The fun stuff!

We have finally gotten to the stage of buying fun things for the house. We sold our "apartment" dinning table to a co-worker of mine about a month ago. The empty dinning room was a sad sight. I have had my eye on a table from JC Penny(of course) since before Christmas. I decided it was time since we were eating all meals at our coffee table, no good.
I ended up getting half price delivery and they even put it together, I am sure Mike was happy about that. It includes a leaf but we don't need it all the time. I found a table nearly just like this in the Pottery Barn catalog but could not bring myself to pay the PB price, insane! The table looks better in my house than expected.
We spent a Saturday afternoon not long ago looking for bar stools. In conclusion the tall ones are pricey and of course we needed tall ones. We could not find any we liked that a store also had 2 of...we could only find them in pairs??!?! I came home and poked around on the internet and found these at Target for 32 bucks! Killer deal. They fit in nicely with the rest of the dinning/living room area.
This is my favorite thing in my whole house: the picture wall. I always loved the picture wall in my grandma's house and knew I would have to have one. We have been collecting different blacks frames for a while. I picked some of my favorite pictures and had them printed in black and white. It is looking great. I want to add a few more but for now it looks awesome!
Here are some of my favorites. Some are blurry but you get the idea.

This one is my favorite, baby Mike and his beautiful momI took this one during our trip to GA with Mike's Family. It is Mike, his brother Joey and Mike's dad Bob walking down the little fishing pier at like 6 am

My grandpa and I
My mama and me. In this picture she is wearing her original wedding ring which had the diamond that is currently in my wedding ring.Brand new baby Mike and his dad.
Noah and grandpa (my dad). Grandpa was showing him how his new Kawasaki quad works. Of course it was a gift for Noah's first birthday from Grandpa.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

1 year anniversary

A year ago today I became Mrs. Bailey. By far the happiest day of my life to date. My first year as a wife flew by but was really exciting. We got married in March, bought a house is October, and welcomed a new member to our family, Sadie the cat.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from our big day!
This is us cutting our cake. Everyone loved the cake and with good reason. It was awesome. Our baker, Stephanie from Gimme Some Sugar, made us a 6 inch cake for our anniversary instead of having to eat some gross year old frozen cake. Mike wanted cinnamon and it was a good choice. Very tasty!