Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Houston we have grass!

Tuesday morning Mike told me he saw grass. It had only been a little over a week since we seeded. I couldn't wait to get home and check it out. He was correct. We have a lot of patches all over. Never thought I would be so excited to see grass grow but that is part of home ownership, you get excited about things you never thought you would.

Project: Backyard

When Mike and I bought our house the only problem we had with the house was the backyard or lack there of. The backyard was more dirt and weeds than flowers and grass. We had not planned on landscaping the backyard for a while but once winter came with rain weeds 3 feet tall spouted in the yard. We spent a Saturday morning hacking the weeds down and spraying weed killer. We realized the weeds would eventually grow back if we didn't landscape or do something! So we decided to get the yard together and we could not be happier with the results so far.

This was the view from our patio door after we hacked down the weeds. Lovely.
There were 3 big concrete stumps in the ground that supported the deck that was in the back yard before the previous owners took it out and then did nothing, thanks!
We hired a landscaper to come remove the concrete things, till and level the yard. The yard was very lumpy and had potholes all over.
No more concrete stumps!
This is the yard after the landscapers were done, nice and flat.
Oh and our new tree. It is a fern pine. We wanted an evergreen tree because we have enough leaves in the front yard cover a small island, no joke.
My dad was awesome enough to come help us move sprinklers and put new heads on the current dad rocks!
Dad also hooked us up with a concrete guy for the patio. He did the patio in just 2 days and did a great job.
Now that we had concrete we needed a table for BBQs since we bought a BBQ a couple weeks before.
Last step was the easiest: seeding the lawn. We thought about sod but the money we could save quickly changed my mind.